Sunday, March 1, 2009


Today was the first Sunday in Lent which is observed very earnestly in Antigua. The city is known for its processions, altar displays, and big church services during Lent. In fact, at this point we probably wouldn't be able to find a room anywhere in Antigua during Holy Week - it's so popular that the hotels get booked months in advance.

We were quite content to see just a minor warm up event today - and felt like it was quite enough craziness for us. Since we don't completely understand what's going on, the processions seem especially odd to us. From what I can gather, the different cathedrals in the area (there are dozens in little Antigua alone!) take turns sponsoring a procession during which sacred statues from their church are carried on a specified route through the city.

They are followed by bands playing what sounds like funeral music, other family members who mix in, hawkers selling balloons,

and ultimately garbage trucks and guys who sweep up the cobblestones behind them.

To me, it seems like some weird combination of funeral procession and carnival parade. I understand it's a big deal to have the honor of being one of the people to carry the statue - an honor that is passed down from generation to generation. The little boys start very very young:

The procession stopped at the Cathedral in Antigua where a very large audience was gathered and we decided to depart, wanting to get "far from the madding crowd". (And to avoid the pickpockets which we were warned are also attracted to these big events!)

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